Proper survey and design of any civil structure demands detailed knowledge of related geotechnical parameters and is achieved generally by field and laboratory tests.
Pars Peyab Consulting Engineers Company is supported by hi-tech machinery and well-trained experts in this field. Pars Peyab’s geotechnical division utilizes drilling machinery, and state of the art laboratory facility to analyze soil and rock samples. We are proud of having successfully completed more than 160 numbers of geotechnical projects.
Some of the vital geotechnical projects carried out by us are summarized below
Site laboratory setup for earthen, concrete and asphalt works control in Resalat and Tuhid tunnels and 20 project of through trussed bridges
1. Jetty and Piers – marine drilling and geotechnical works
2. Dams and water intakes structures – drilling and geotechnical works
3. Fish and shrimp farming complex – drilling and geotechnical works
4. Water and wastewater pump station – drilling and geotechnical works