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Investing in Aquaculture is an economically sound and proven decision. Large-scale eco-friendly aquaculture projects not only contribute to extra aquatic production but also provide additional job opportunities and spread awareness on environment-friendly values in aquatic production. To make every culture operation sustainable, a designed project should encompass facilities to have the least harming effect on the environment. This could be achieved by proper engineering design planning that encompasses dedicated structures such as sedimentation ponds, oxidation ponds, by implementation of best management practices (BMPs) in aquatic production process and by following proper and efficient waste disposal. We strive for the best to techno-assist in designing and constructing such state-of-the-art bioengineering facilities.

In aquaculture field Pars peyab has organized its activities in 5 categories as below:

    1. Aquaculture project full feasibility studying
    2. Design and construction of aquaculture facility for cold water, warm water Fishes, shrimp and marine plants.
    3. Effluent treatment facility design and construction.
    4. Evaluation, renovation and modernization of operating facility.
    5. Processing facility planning, designing and construction.